Friday 8 March 2019 • 12:30 – 14:30 GMT
The Quarry Conference Room, Aldingbourne Centre, Aldingbourne, Nr Fontwell, PO18 0JP
This FREE event is for employers of all sizes.
There will be information on the latest government financial support available for employers thinking of recruiting an Apprentice, including the opportunity for small to medium sized employers to link up with larger employers who are looking to transfer some of their unused levy funding .
A buffet lunch will be provided and there will be a chance to network with other local employers who have benefited from taking on Apprentices .
This event is being actively promoted by the Federation of Small Businesses and local Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Gillian Keegan, the MP Apprenticeship Ambassador will also be attending.Gillian will talk about the value of Apprenticeships as she is a keen advocate of Apprentices, having trained as an Apprentice herself.